Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013


Hi, it's almost been 6 months I haven't post yet ! huhu
yaaah boleh dibilang semester 2 kemaren lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama kuliah + persiapan lomba MCC nasional.
ada yg tau MCC nasional itu apa? hmm...let me explain you on the next post ya ;) I do promise!

Sekarang gue mau ngpost libur lebaran kemaren. ohiya sebelumnya minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir
& batin ya! (ga telat kan? hehe) jadi kemaren sekeluarga pergi ke pangandaran naik mobil, it took 11 hours to go there. don't u know what? bikin badan pegel-pegel hufff.  Gue sampe sana sekitar jam setengah 8 jadi
udah malem padahal niatan mau liat sunset kan tapi gagal </3 nah besoknya bangun pagi-pagi buat liat
sunrise di Pantai Pangandaran

with mama & utih 

Karena kebetulan gue di pantai barat jadinya gabisa liat sunrise huhu sedihnya :"(. Kemaren sikon pantainya lagi penuh pengunjung banget jadi kurang nyaman & ombaknya lagi besar yah mungkin karena lagi pasang jadi gitu. Akhirnya balik ke hotel & berenang sama adek-adek.

Ternyata Danish bisa ngapung :O
Nah ini Danish, my little brother. Dia berenang pake baju gara-gara dia malu kalau pake celana renang.
Padahal mah masih kecil ya tapi maluen anaknya...

Abis berenang - mandi - sarapan & siap-siap buat ke Green Canyon! Uhlalaaaa... I was getting excited.
You know why? 'Cause I've ever seen on tv Green Canyon was soooo fascinating! And here we are at Green Canyon, Pangandaran. I saw the green water hmm...so pretty! Setelah sampe, kita ambil paket body rafting. Jadi biar ke eksplor semua Green Canyonnya

you guys get 2 thumbs up from my grandma :D

Mama, Danish & Ayah udah siap buat body rafting

si K-popers juga udah siap nihh

hmmm degdeg-an, takut ada ulerrrr

AAAA tapi penasaran kaya apa

tapi gapapa deh. semangaaat! jangan takut! pasti seruuu
di depan gua bau (nama guanya pasti terilhami dari
 baunya yg emang bener-bener bau. ewww!)

aku mau terjun. doakan aku ya!
(re: pose di benteng takeshi)
Coba perhatiin deh airnya jerniih banget!

I'm a Superman!
teteuup narsis ya mah
sampe di dermaga. yippie yay! dijemput utih

Let me tell you, actually this place was so fascinating. such a recommended place to spend your holiday!
I bet you want to go to Green Canyon!!! Ok, it's enough for today.
See you on the next post, xoxo

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Hi, readers! a few weeks ago me & my bestfriend were done the "experiment"
whoa! what was that? these one

don't you see the blue one?  it should be blood mary but I wrote bold mary... so mary isn't bold she's just bleeding(?)


Fira, her name. wore these glasses. she was trying to look sexy, wasn't she? lol

oke this pict I'll try to hiding the real one. u didn't get what I mean? ok, you better don't know it ;)

She's just overthinking...

wore the b o l d marry...
& the lastttt

well it's done. you can try at your home ;)!
see you on my next post, xoxo.

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

I found this, HA!

Hello! Tonight I'm just checking out my laptop & found these some "ridiculous" photos >.<
These photos are taken when I'm in senior high school, about a year ago. U know when I have to face
national examination & so many things to be a university student. that feeling was just like mm...random
but the biggest thing me just stressed out to face it. oke, enough for explaning. these are some silly photos

I let u guys laughing at us!:p who's a girl besides me? She's Adinda Hari Utary a.k.a dinda
I call her DINDU. she's my partner in crime lol she has a good sense of humor with her I can do stupid
things without thinking the consequences =))

looks, I have the best warbonnet ever! dindu why u looks like a shadow over there, huh?

we look at u, people! LOL

on polaroid! well 'lil bit normal

me. hit by rain & thunder... -_-

this one, act like i'm hangover 'cause too much drinking of papersh*t.
well, I'm done to posting these silly photos. hope u guys have a better day! xoxo

2nd Weekend in Feb

Hi readers, I hope u all have a great day today :))

Me & my sissy have taken some photos in this weekend. & here we are! =D

let me introduce my sister her name is Sadzwina Faiza Prasasya , call her sasha. she is an employee.
do u think we have some similiarities? :-p

sasha : forever 21 shirt, skirt ( I forgot it) me : uptown girl dress, chic cardigan, levis glasses

peace! that's a never die pose I think. I know this glasses isn't match on my face at all, but I dont care.
my sissy wore turban, i made it by myself. First time she didnt like it & feel not good on her but I told her
she's nice when wear it. and I, I dont know what is that lol

 she told me "bul, yuk foto yang sok-sokan lagi ketawa" sok asik banget ya kaak haha is it fail or not?

act like sleeping beauty fufu but in fact it seems like sleeping ugly, right? =))
and here is me :-}

 Ok, It's enough readers! see u later on my next post. xoxo

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013


oops sorry, my fingers just lost control :-p

I'm already checked my blog & realized these're too much words & make me a bit bored. Don't u feel the same? fufufu, oke stop typing for this time! I wanna share some picts when me & fam went to Spore. Be ready guys!

We've stayed at Swissotel Stamford for 4 nights, hotel's service was very good so me & fam 
was enjoying here. 

"peace" - mom. 1st night we were going to China town by MRT

looks my father pose! ahaha he's so gaul yahhh... they're enjoying the 'kaki-lima-nya-spore' food!

the next day, me & sisters went to USS took a pict with a tubby Po! xx

Nomnom, Uncle Ice! Don't disturb me pleaseee :9 

U know I was getting blind suddenly 'cause hello kitty is everywhere x_x

& here I am at Marina Bay. 

Alright, I think it's really really enough for this time. guys, are u ready for getting our kisses? 

muach! see u later readers xoxo

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Selamat Malam! :)

Udah lama ga posting >< yah maklum masih baru-baru jadi mahasiswa terus ngatur waktunya masih agak keteteran hehe banyak banget yang mau di share disini, cuma bingung harus mulai dari mana & akhirnya gimana, it seems complicated...HA! lebay kronis. Ohiya ospek awal Agustus kemaren berjalan dengan lancar, yah sama kaya ospek-ospek lainnya harus nglakuin hal-hal yang ga masuk akal terus diteriakin sama senior-seniornya, mereka berasa mau adzan kali ya suara di toa mesjid aja kalah haha ga deng bercanda. Ospek kemaren masih dalam taraf normal, normaaal sekali. jadi ya I'm enjoyed at all.

Udah belajar kaya biasa, udah ngelewatin UTS & nanti tanggal 7 Januari udah mulai UAS >< God help me! uuuh. Cupu ya masa dihadepin UAS aja sampe segitunya, tapi yah begitu lah. selama ini sih pelajarannya masih dalam taraf standar. Ga susah juga, cuma harus bener-bener faham. (Let me think...semua pelajaran juga harus faham kali bil) pas UTS kemaren nilainya kurang maksimal, kenapa? ya jawabannya kurang maksimal. Dosennya tuh bener-bener minta jawabannya yang tepat terus terperinci & honestly I'm bad at it. No, I'm not give up! It means gue harus bener-bener belajarnya.

Tapi secara keseluruhan gue enjoy kuliah di Fakultas Hukum, Trisakti. Pas belajar hukum jadi tau gimana awal mulanya hukum di dunia, di Indonesia. Dan gue baru tau kalau di Indonesia itu pluralisme hukum jadi hukum Hindia-Belanda, Islam, Adat istiadat, dll dijadiin satu kesatuan. Tau perkembangan hukum gimana, dan akhirnya pun tau kalau hukum di Indonesia itu semuanya warisan & ga diperbaharui. Kecewa sebenernya, banget banget banget. Kenapa? Soalnya pas Indonesia merdeka, kita masih pake hukum jaman kolonial. Yah mungkin itu karena kepepet kali ya istilahnya & mungkin kedepannya mau diganti, tapi pada akhirnya selama 67 tahun Indonesia merdeka ga ada satu pun Bapak-Ibu di DPR itu mau menyusun hukum yang baru. Ya ya ya, kesel sendiri adanya kalau ngbahas kaya gini. Most of them cuma bisa makan uang rakyat sih...

It's enough, see you soon on my newest post! 

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Untitled :|

Hello readers, how you doing? I’m doing good J.
First of all I would say  to all muslim in the world, Happy  Eid Mubarak 1433 H, Taqabalallahu mina waminkum shiya mana wa shiya makum

Well, tomorrow is the reality. What do I mean? I mean, its been 3 months doing
nothing & wallaaa being a law student at Trisakti University. I should wake up & sleep early, one of the hardest  to do but it’s ok, better than stay at home & nothing to do. Am I right?

Hhh I just remember a few months ago, University just drive me crazy. University of Indonesia? Failed! University Padjajaran? Failed either & the worst thing is I didn’t have another one. it just ruinned my day. Stay up & wake up late, & it just make me seems like zombie -_- i felt absent-minded, my body was here but my brain flown away.

Me & Parent used to argument. They pushed me to find out the university, they didn’t allow me to do this, that & whatsoever. I know it’s good for me, but in that situation I can’t think clearly. That’s really really my worst situation but now, no more absent-minded. I can choose the best one & walla tomorrow is my first day! Wish it’ll be my day J

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Politik Indonesia? PR besar Generasi Muda!

Hi readers, sekarang gue mau ngbahas tentang politik Indonesia yang ga pernah selesai masalahnya. Oh well, maybe I’m young enough to disscused about this. Tapi ga ada salahnya kan kalau gue bahas?

 Dari tahun ke tahun politik Indonesia keliatan makin memburuk. Lambat laun peristiwa korupsi terbongkar, siapa pelakunya dana dari mana untuk apa dana itu. Setiap bulan ada nama baru yang disebut. C’mon can you all stop doing like this? Kalian ga inget anak kalian? Kalian ga tau kan seberapa malu anak kalian? Kalian ga inget berapa banyak orang yang dirugiin? Bener yah emang, Money can talk everything. Koruptor itu Money’s Victim. Miskin iman, miskin otak & miskin harga diri. Seneng cuma beberapa saat aja, abis itu? Masuk penjara & nama tercemar! WALLA!

Kalau ditelisik lagi sebenernya ada yang salah sama tata hukum Indonesia. Coba liat hukuman orang-orang yang dikorupsi di manca negara. Contohnya:
1.      Arab. Orang korupsi di potong tangannya
2.      China. Dipenggal kepalanya
3.      Indonesia. Di ambil sedikit aja hartanya
Hahaha miris banget sih ngliatnya. Hukumnya aja masih lembek gitu, wajar aja koruptor ga jera-jera. Orang-orang Indonesia itu harus diancem sama hukuman yang berat banget, di jamin deh ga bakal ada yang berani.

 For all youth generation, this’s our big problem. How to solve this one? Can we stop this one? As we know, Corruption can’t be separate with Indonesian Politics. Can we bring our nation to the bright future? The answer is..yes we can! Everything’s possible. For now stop doing cheat when we’re doing exam. Don’t you know? Cheating as near as corruption? If you know, stop doing that. And let us bring Indonesia to the right one. Free of corruption! Kalau bukan kita yang mulai, terus siapa lagi? Revolusi ada di tangan bangsa muda Indonesia! J

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

I'm fresh Graduate.HA!

Hello everybody :) long time no posting, right?
I wanna tell you something, that......................I have passed national examination succesfuuul!
Alhamdulillah. eventhough I just got 49, I'm so grateful. why? because I do it all by myself
now, I'm just waiting for SNMPTN on june 12-13 2012, this is one of a lot of gates to go to university
wish me luck. I just do the best & let God do the rest
see you soon :*

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


     Bonjour readers! How you doing?
  Scavaranza? Do you know? Well Scavaranza is Science Class  of the 8thSMA IIBS RI. Scavaranza has been separating since July 2011, which are G1 (girls 1) & G2 (girls 2)
Even though we’re separated, the bond between us cannot be broken  J
And I’m in G1 (Girls 1). Well, these are some picts of my classmate
  left corner is our tutor Ms. Sri Khairi , with all her kindness  she made Scavaranza love her so much. Btw she has been teaching us Physics J because her I like physics little bit :P

We took these are when we have free time. Honestly, it’s very rarely to have free time. But when we have it, we didn’t spend to individual activities but group activities. We’re chitchatting, hearing some friend’s joke, gossip about anything & so on. Sometimes, we wish teacher is absent. Is it wrong? :p . I’ve got some sweetest memories with them. Don’t you know? I’ve been thinking to move to social class but they were forbid me. And I considered I stay. Well, they were successfully made me sure that science class is the best chosen, and then surely they didn’t make me regret what they & I have chosen J

We know the personality each others.  Precisely, cause we live in the dorm, we do anything at all times. Time goes so fast, we have to separate at the right time. Well, I don’t know how to imagine that. I think it’ll be so strange, do anything by myself. that is to say, I’ll be miss them so much. XOXO

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013


Hi, it's almost been 6 months I haven't post yet ! huhu
yaaah boleh dibilang semester 2 kemaren lagi sibuk-sibuknya sama kuliah + persiapan lomba MCC nasional.
ada yg tau MCC nasional itu apa? hmm...let me explain you on the next post ya ;) I do promise!

Sekarang gue mau ngpost libur lebaran kemaren. ohiya sebelumnya minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir
& batin ya! (ga telat kan? hehe) jadi kemaren sekeluarga pergi ke pangandaran naik mobil, it took 11 hours to go there. don't u know what? bikin badan pegel-pegel hufff.  Gue sampe sana sekitar jam setengah 8 jadi
udah malem padahal niatan mau liat sunset kan tapi gagal </3 nah besoknya bangun pagi-pagi buat liat
sunrise di Pantai Pangandaran

with mama & utih 

Karena kebetulan gue di pantai barat jadinya gabisa liat sunrise huhu sedihnya :"(. Kemaren sikon pantainya lagi penuh pengunjung banget jadi kurang nyaman & ombaknya lagi besar yah mungkin karena lagi pasang jadi gitu. Akhirnya balik ke hotel & berenang sama adek-adek.

Ternyata Danish bisa ngapung :O
Nah ini Danish, my little brother. Dia berenang pake baju gara-gara dia malu kalau pake celana renang.
Padahal mah masih kecil ya tapi maluen anaknya...

Abis berenang - mandi - sarapan & siap-siap buat ke Green Canyon! Uhlalaaaa... I was getting excited.
You know why? 'Cause I've ever seen on tv Green Canyon was soooo fascinating! And here we are at Green Canyon, Pangandaran. I saw the green water hmm...so pretty! Setelah sampe, kita ambil paket body rafting. Jadi biar ke eksplor semua Green Canyonnya

you guys get 2 thumbs up from my grandma :D

Mama, Danish & Ayah udah siap buat body rafting

si K-popers juga udah siap nihh

hmmm degdeg-an, takut ada ulerrrr

AAAA tapi penasaran kaya apa

tapi gapapa deh. semangaaat! jangan takut! pasti seruuu
di depan gua bau (nama guanya pasti terilhami dari
 baunya yg emang bener-bener bau. ewww!)

aku mau terjun. doakan aku ya!
(re: pose di benteng takeshi)
Coba perhatiin deh airnya jerniih banget!

I'm a Superman!
teteuup narsis ya mah
sampe di dermaga. yippie yay! dijemput utih

Let me tell you, actually this place was so fascinating. such a recommended place to spend your holiday!
I bet you want to go to Green Canyon!!! Ok, it's enough for today.
See you on the next post, xoxo

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Hi, readers! a few weeks ago me & my bestfriend were done the "experiment"
whoa! what was that? these one

don't you see the blue one?  it should be blood mary but I wrote bold mary... so mary isn't bold she's just bleeding(?)


Fira, her name. wore these glasses. she was trying to look sexy, wasn't she? lol

oke this pict I'll try to hiding the real one. u didn't get what I mean? ok, you better don't know it ;)

She's just overthinking...

wore the b o l d marry...
& the lastttt

well it's done. you can try at your home ;)!
see you on my next post, xoxo.

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

I found this, HA!

Hello! Tonight I'm just checking out my laptop & found these some "ridiculous" photos >.<
These photos are taken when I'm in senior high school, about a year ago. U know when I have to face
national examination & so many things to be a university student. that feeling was just like mm...random
but the biggest thing me just stressed out to face it. oke, enough for explaning. these are some silly photos

I let u guys laughing at us!:p who's a girl besides me? She's Adinda Hari Utary a.k.a dinda
I call her DINDU. she's my partner in crime lol she has a good sense of humor with her I can do stupid
things without thinking the consequences =))

looks, I have the best warbonnet ever! dindu why u looks like a shadow over there, huh?

we look at u, people! LOL

on polaroid! well 'lil bit normal

me. hit by rain & thunder... -_-

this one, act like i'm hangover 'cause too much drinking of papersh*t.
well, I'm done to posting these silly photos. hope u guys have a better day! xoxo

2nd Weekend in Feb

Hi readers, I hope u all have a great day today :))

Me & my sissy have taken some photos in this weekend. & here we are! =D

let me introduce my sister her name is Sadzwina Faiza Prasasya , call her sasha. she is an employee.
do u think we have some similiarities? :-p

sasha : forever 21 shirt, skirt ( I forgot it) me : uptown girl dress, chic cardigan, levis glasses

peace! that's a never die pose I think. I know this glasses isn't match on my face at all, but I dont care.
my sissy wore turban, i made it by myself. First time she didnt like it & feel not good on her but I told her
she's nice when wear it. and I, I dont know what is that lol

 she told me "bul, yuk foto yang sok-sokan lagi ketawa" sok asik banget ya kaak haha is it fail or not?

act like sleeping beauty fufu but in fact it seems like sleeping ugly, right? =))
and here is me :-}

 Ok, It's enough readers! see u later on my next post. xoxo

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013


oops sorry, my fingers just lost control :-p

I'm already checked my blog & realized these're too much words & make me a bit bored. Don't u feel the same? fufufu, oke stop typing for this time! I wanna share some picts when me & fam went to Spore. Be ready guys!

We've stayed at Swissotel Stamford for 4 nights, hotel's service was very good so me & fam 
was enjoying here. 

"peace" - mom. 1st night we were going to China town by MRT

looks my father pose! ahaha he's so gaul yahhh... they're enjoying the 'kaki-lima-nya-spore' food!

the next day, me & sisters went to USS took a pict with a tubby Po! xx

Nomnom, Uncle Ice! Don't disturb me pleaseee :9 

U know I was getting blind suddenly 'cause hello kitty is everywhere x_x

& here I am at Marina Bay. 

Alright, I think it's really really enough for this time. guys, are u ready for getting our kisses? 

muach! see u later readers xoxo

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012


Selamat Malam! :)

Udah lama ga posting >< yah maklum masih baru-baru jadi mahasiswa terus ngatur waktunya masih agak keteteran hehe banyak banget yang mau di share disini, cuma bingung harus mulai dari mana & akhirnya gimana, it seems complicated...HA! lebay kronis. Ohiya ospek awal Agustus kemaren berjalan dengan lancar, yah sama kaya ospek-ospek lainnya harus nglakuin hal-hal yang ga masuk akal terus diteriakin sama senior-seniornya, mereka berasa mau adzan kali ya suara di toa mesjid aja kalah haha ga deng bercanda. Ospek kemaren masih dalam taraf normal, normaaal sekali. jadi ya I'm enjoyed at all.

Udah belajar kaya biasa, udah ngelewatin UTS & nanti tanggal 7 Januari udah mulai UAS >< God help me! uuuh. Cupu ya masa dihadepin UAS aja sampe segitunya, tapi yah begitu lah. selama ini sih pelajarannya masih dalam taraf standar. Ga susah juga, cuma harus bener-bener faham. (Let me think...semua pelajaran juga harus faham kali bil) pas UTS kemaren nilainya kurang maksimal, kenapa? ya jawabannya kurang maksimal. Dosennya tuh bener-bener minta jawabannya yang tepat terus terperinci & honestly I'm bad at it. No, I'm not give up! It means gue harus bener-bener belajarnya.

Tapi secara keseluruhan gue enjoy kuliah di Fakultas Hukum, Trisakti. Pas belajar hukum jadi tau gimana awal mulanya hukum di dunia, di Indonesia. Dan gue baru tau kalau di Indonesia itu pluralisme hukum jadi hukum Hindia-Belanda, Islam, Adat istiadat, dll dijadiin satu kesatuan. Tau perkembangan hukum gimana, dan akhirnya pun tau kalau hukum di Indonesia itu semuanya warisan & ga diperbaharui. Kecewa sebenernya, banget banget banget. Kenapa? Soalnya pas Indonesia merdeka, kita masih pake hukum jaman kolonial. Yah mungkin itu karena kepepet kali ya istilahnya & mungkin kedepannya mau diganti, tapi pada akhirnya selama 67 tahun Indonesia merdeka ga ada satu pun Bapak-Ibu di DPR itu mau menyusun hukum yang baru. Ya ya ya, kesel sendiri adanya kalau ngbahas kaya gini. Most of them cuma bisa makan uang rakyat sih...

It's enough, see you soon on my newest post! 

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Untitled :|

Hello readers, how you doing? I’m doing good J.
First of all I would say  to all muslim in the world, Happy  Eid Mubarak 1433 H, Taqabalallahu mina waminkum shiya mana wa shiya makum

Well, tomorrow is the reality. What do I mean? I mean, its been 3 months doing
nothing & wallaaa being a law student at Trisakti University. I should wake up & sleep early, one of the hardest  to do but it’s ok, better than stay at home & nothing to do. Am I right?

Hhh I just remember a few months ago, University just drive me crazy. University of Indonesia? Failed! University Padjajaran? Failed either & the worst thing is I didn’t have another one. it just ruinned my day. Stay up & wake up late, & it just make me seems like zombie -_- i felt absent-minded, my body was here but my brain flown away.

Me & Parent used to argument. They pushed me to find out the university, they didn’t allow me to do this, that & whatsoever. I know it’s good for me, but in that situation I can’t think clearly. That’s really really my worst situation but now, no more absent-minded. I can choose the best one & walla tomorrow is my first day! Wish it’ll be my day J

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Politik Indonesia? PR besar Generasi Muda!

Hi readers, sekarang gue mau ngbahas tentang politik Indonesia yang ga pernah selesai masalahnya. Oh well, maybe I’m young enough to disscused about this. Tapi ga ada salahnya kan kalau gue bahas?

 Dari tahun ke tahun politik Indonesia keliatan makin memburuk. Lambat laun peristiwa korupsi terbongkar, siapa pelakunya dana dari mana untuk apa dana itu. Setiap bulan ada nama baru yang disebut. C’mon can you all stop doing like this? Kalian ga inget anak kalian? Kalian ga tau kan seberapa malu anak kalian? Kalian ga inget berapa banyak orang yang dirugiin? Bener yah emang, Money can talk everything. Koruptor itu Money’s Victim. Miskin iman, miskin otak & miskin harga diri. Seneng cuma beberapa saat aja, abis itu? Masuk penjara & nama tercemar! WALLA!

Kalau ditelisik lagi sebenernya ada yang salah sama tata hukum Indonesia. Coba liat hukuman orang-orang yang dikorupsi di manca negara. Contohnya:
1.      Arab. Orang korupsi di potong tangannya
2.      China. Dipenggal kepalanya
3.      Indonesia. Di ambil sedikit aja hartanya
Hahaha miris banget sih ngliatnya. Hukumnya aja masih lembek gitu, wajar aja koruptor ga jera-jera. Orang-orang Indonesia itu harus diancem sama hukuman yang berat banget, di jamin deh ga bakal ada yang berani.

 For all youth generation, this’s our big problem. How to solve this one? Can we stop this one? As we know, Corruption can’t be separate with Indonesian Politics. Can we bring our nation to the bright future? The answer is..yes we can! Everything’s possible. For now stop doing cheat when we’re doing exam. Don’t you know? Cheating as near as corruption? If you know, stop doing that. And let us bring Indonesia to the right one. Free of corruption! Kalau bukan kita yang mulai, terus siapa lagi? Revolusi ada di tangan bangsa muda Indonesia! J

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

I'm fresh Graduate.HA!

Hello everybody :) long time no posting, right?
I wanna tell you something, that......................I have passed national examination succesfuuul!
Alhamdulillah. eventhough I just got 49, I'm so grateful. why? because I do it all by myself
now, I'm just waiting for SNMPTN on june 12-13 2012, this is one of a lot of gates to go to university
wish me luck. I just do the best & let God do the rest
see you soon :*

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


     Bonjour readers! How you doing?
  Scavaranza? Do you know? Well Scavaranza is Science Class  of the 8thSMA IIBS RI. Scavaranza has been separating since July 2011, which are G1 (girls 1) & G2 (girls 2)
Even though we’re separated, the bond between us cannot be broken  J
And I’m in G1 (Girls 1). Well, these are some picts of my classmate
  left corner is our tutor Ms. Sri Khairi , with all her kindness  she made Scavaranza love her so much. Btw she has been teaching us Physics J because her I like physics little bit :P

We took these are when we have free time. Honestly, it’s very rarely to have free time. But when we have it, we didn’t spend to individual activities but group activities. We’re chitchatting, hearing some friend’s joke, gossip about anything & so on. Sometimes, we wish teacher is absent. Is it wrong? :p . I’ve got some sweetest memories with them. Don’t you know? I’ve been thinking to move to social class but they were forbid me. And I considered I stay. Well, they were successfully made me sure that science class is the best chosen, and then surely they didn’t make me regret what they & I have chosen J

We know the personality each others.  Precisely, cause we live in the dorm, we do anything at all times. Time goes so fast, we have to separate at the right time. Well, I don’t know how to imagine that. I think it’ll be so strange, do anything by myself. that is to say, I’ll be miss them so much. XOXO